
DearMamma is a breast cancer awareness campaign for all women worldwide, including the millions who cannot read.

Our goals

Early detection

The cheapest and most powerful resource. Raising awareness of breast cancer, especially in societies with little cancer experience and limited resources.

Reliable medical information

Providing reliable information about breast cancer to women, especially those whose health needs are often neglected within the market economy.

Breaking down taboos

Removing all stigma involved in discussing or having breast cancer, chemotherapy and mastectomies.

How we'll reach them

An app for all women

The DearMamma app aims to enable and encourage women to check their breasts on a regular basis. In doing so, we want women to be more aware of their own bodies and take greater personal responsibility for their health.

Global community level outreach

On-site health professionals in Burkina Faso, Israel and Palestine are working within their communities to educate women about breast cancer and introduce them to early-detection methods and tools, including the DearMamma app.

Experience and knowledge-sharing platforms

We give survivors, their relatives, and health professionals a platform through which to share their experiences, and help ensure their stories reach a broader audience through social media, documentaries, and the DearMamma website.

Download the app

Download the app

The app is free! It is available in English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Chinese, Afan Oromo and Amharic, as well as an audio version.

FREE and non-commercial

FREE and non-commercial

Our app is and will remain FREE and non-commercial.

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