Spread the word

The most important way you can support our cause is by spreading the word. 

The more women who start checking their breasts regularly for lumps, the more cases of breast cancer that can be treated early, and the more lives that can be saved.

That's why sharing your knowledge about early detection of breast cancer, with everyone you know, can make a big difference.

Are you with us?

Raise awareness

Share the message about the importance of early detection with everyone you know.

Teach self-checks

When you regularly check your own breasts, you'll find it becomes a familiar pattern. Pass this knowledge on to everyone you know, so they can do their regular self-checks too.

Tell your story

Do you want to encourage others in their battle against breast cancer? Are you personally or professionally involved in awareness-raising activities? If so, we'd love to hear from you.

Edith Hunkeler

I myself am responsible for my body and I need to take care of it. If I keep checking my own breasts, I will know them and be able to tell when there are changes. And I believe that this is very important.

Edith Hunkeler

Former Paralympic Athlete and Olympic Medal Winner

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