
Let us introduce you to Inbal from Israel. She has two children and was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. Her mother Fanny - who unfortunately passed away by now - had breast cancer too. Inbal talks about how they faced the illness together.

Thank you for sharing the story of you and your mother. You are a true DearMammaHero.

Your story

Do you have an experience with breast cancer you'd be willing to share with us? We'd love to hear it.

See more «Heroes»



Tanja from Switzerland is a breast cancer survivor. During a self-examination, she discovered a lump that turned out to be a malignant tumor. Today, she runs an association that supports women with breast cancer.



Connie from Switzerland is a breast cancer survivor. She discovered her breast cancer only ten days after the last checkup with her gynecologist and tells her story in the video.

Prof. Benjamin Corn

Prof. Benjamin Corn

Prof. Benjamin Corn is an oncologist and professor at the medical faculty of the Tel Aviv University. In the video he talks about how breast cancer can bring together women from completely different backgrounds.



Chantal from Burkina Faso lost four family members to breast cancer. She encourages all women around her to check their breasts regularly and go to the hospital if they should find a knot.



Christiane was a woman from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso whose optimism and will to fight breast cancer keeps inspiring us. Sadly, she passed away a few months after the recording of this video.

Prof. Dan Herschko

Prof. Dan Herschko

Prof. Dan Herschko is an oncologist and head of surgery at the Emek Medical Centre in Afula (Israel). He emphasizes that breast cancer - if detected early - can in many cases be treated without having to remove a breast.

Denis Yaméogo

Denis Yaméogo

Denis Yaméogo from Burkina Faso is a key partner in our DearMamma project in Burkina Faso. In the video, he encourages patients to ask specific questions and share their knowledge.

Prof. Doron Kopelman

Prof. Doron Kopelman

Oncologist Prof. Doron Kopelman from Israel is confronted with breast cancer on a daily basis. He points out how critical it is for women to take on responsibility for their health by regularly and systematically checking themselves for early signs of breast cancer.



Dvora from Israel was diagnosed with breast cancer. In this video she talks about her experience and about her hopes for the future.

Dvora Corn

Dvora Corn

Dvora Corn is a family therapist in Jerusalem. She talks about the pain but also the strength of people facing tremendous hardship in their lives and how these people inspire her to believe that even in the most difficult times there is hope.

Edith Hunkeler

Edith Hunkeler

Edith Hunkeler from Switzerland is a former paralympics athlete. In the video, she talks about the importance of regular breast self-checks to ensure early detection of problems.



Fanny was a strong and loving woman from Israel, who sadly lost the fight against breast cancer some time after recording this interview. She went through many of the treatments side by side with her daughter Inbal, who was also diagnosed with breast cancer.

Baroness Gabriele von der Borch

Baroness Gabriele von der Borch

Baroness Gabriele von der Borch from Germany had breast cancer herself. In the video she talks about her experience with the disease.



Ghetam from Palestine has a sister who had breast cancer a few years ago. Ghetam supported her during the treatment of the disease talks about her experience and how the DearMamma app has made the life of her and her loved ones much easier.



Hana lives in Israel and was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. In this clip, she's talking about her experience.



Margarete from Germany was a dear friend and highly appreciated colleague in one of our projects who sadly lost her battle against breast cancer in early 2019. This video is a memory of an extraordinary woman.



Marguerite from Burkina Faso and was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. In this video she talks about her feelings after the diagnosis.



Martin from Burkina Faso lost his wife to breast cancer. In the video he talks about why it was only natural for him to support his wife in the fight against the cancer.

Prof. Nayi Zongo

Prof. Nayi Zongo

Prof. Nayi Zongo is a cancer surgeon, senologist and professor from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. He teaches women how to use the DearMamma app in health schools, during his consultations, in churches, in the neighborhood and in university lecture halls at the end of his lessons.



Nazmia from Palestine was diagnosed with breast cancer. In this video she talks about her way of dealing with the disease.



Niveen is an entrepreneur, mother and breast cancer survivor from Jerusalem. She talks about a small but meaningful gift from her daughter that gave her a lot of courage when she had breast cancer. 

Rabbi Noam Hertig

Rabbi Noam Hertig

Rabbi Noam Hertig is the Chief Rabbi of Israeli Cultural Center of Zurich in Switzerland and encourages women to check themselves regularly to detect signs of breast cancer as early as possible.



Rima from Palestine was a woman whose courage and strength in dealing with breast cancer inspired us deeply. Sadly, she passed away some time after the recording of this video.

Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani

Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani

Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani is the director of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem. He emphasizes that the diagnosis of cancer is not a reason for shame, but a protection which allows treatment.



Orit is a breast cancer survivor from Israel. In the video she explains how her breast cancer was discovered.



Sébastiens wife Marguerite was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. In this video Sébastien talks about what this meant for him and how they dealt with the disease together.



Sona from Palestine has been diagnosed with breast cancer herself. In the video she talks about the importance of women with the same disease standing together and encouraging each other.



Urs from Switzerland was diagnosed with breast cancer. In the video he talks about what it means to have breast cancer as a man.

Ms. and Mr. Weingart

Ms. and Mr. Weingart

Ms. and Mr. Weingart are a couple from Switzerland. Since the husband has been diagnosed with breast cancer they have been fighting the disease side by side. In the video they talk about their experience.



Yvette from Switzerland is the wife of a man who was was diagnosed with breast cancer. In the video she talks about how she supports her husband as good as possible.

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